Weight training is an undeniably important part of any fitness plan, boosting health and wellbeing, and giving a real boost to a women’s confidence. As we age we lose muscle mass, bone density and joints become weaker.
This class is specifically designed to teach weight training for women of all ages. It will teach you good technique in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Barbells and Dumbbells are used to promote the strength in both the upper and lower body and the core. You are actively encouraged to pick the right weights for you and can begin with light weights until you gradually build up your confidence and strength. You will feel amazing and empowered!
Many women still think that they should avoid weight training because they are afraid of getting “big”. This is a common misconception but it’s so far from the truth. Maintaining adequate muscle mass is one of the best ways to keep body fat in a healthy range and to improve overall fitness, particularly as you age.
Resistance exercise such as lifting weights is the best way to build muscle.
There are no cardio exercises or floorwork in this class.
Women of all ages are welcomed and looked after according to their needs.
The Benefits of Lifting Weights for Women
Improved Strength
Increasing your strength will make you far less dependent upon others for assistance in daily living. If your maximum strength is increased, daily tasks and routine exercise will be far less fatiguing and much less likely to cause injury.
Lower Body Fat
As lean muscle increases, so does your resting metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories throughout the day. Women typically don't develop big muscles from strength training, because compared to men, women have 10 to 30 times less of the hormones that cause muscle hypertrophy. Weight training does not make you bulky; excess body fat does.
Improved Athletic Performance
Strength training improves athletic ability. Runners and cyclists, for example, are able to continue for longer periods of time with less fatigue.
Less Back Pain, Injury and Arthritis
Strength training not only builds stronger muscles but also builds stronger connective tissues and increases joint stability. This acts as reinforcement for the joints and helps prevent injury. Strengthening gluteal muscles can help in eliminating or alleviating low-back and knee pain. Weight training can ease the pain of osteoarthritis and strengthen joints.
Lower Risk of Certain Diseases
Weight training can improve cardiovascular health in several ways, including lowering cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. When cardiovascular exercise is added, these benefits are maximized.
Weight training can increase spinal bone density and enhance bone strength which can be a woman's best defence against osteoporosis.
Weight training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which may reduce the risk of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a growing problem for women and men.
Better Mood, Increased Confidence
Strength training decreases depression because the act of exercise produces mood-improving neurotransmitters such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. Plus, women who strength train commonly report feeling more confident and capable as a result of their program, all important factors in fighting depression.
Mappleborough Green Village Hall
Every Monday
£6.75 per class
All equipment is provided
* Booking is required *
Simply click on the link below, register and book your place.
Booking Terms & Conditions
If you cancel a booked class, you do not get an automatic refund
but will receive a class credit for a future class.
Cancellation needs to be made before Midday at the very latest
on the day of a class or before 7pm for a morning class.